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Compras a nivel global

Confiamos en nuestros empleados, en su competencia y en su rendimiento de primera clase para nuestro éxito. Desarrollamos ideas y soluciones personalizadas en estrecha colaboración con nuestros clientes internacionales.

Information about collaborating

Our main goal is to achieve optimal performance in all areas.
To ensure faster responses to purchasing inquiries and requirements, we have implemented a digital assistant and partnered with BOTfriends, an external company, to provide this service.
This assistant handles orders and contacts you using the sender address digitalassistant.procurement@ext.benteler.com. 
For further processing, you will be redirected to a BOTfriends website where you will find further information.

What should you keep in mind?
Just one important point: Please check your systems to ensure that emails from the sender don't end up in the spam folder and that the website is accessible (consider whitelisting). 

Additionally, please note that you cannot send reply emails to the above-mentioned address.


We appreciate your assistance in continuously optimizing our processes for your benefit!

If you would like to apply as a supplier for our BENTELER Automotive Components or BENTELER Automotive Modules network, please use the recommendation form and also note the required attachments.

We expect minimum standards from our suppliers, including acceptance of the above-mentioned terms and conditions of purchase and delivery, which also include the quality guidelines we require, as well as other certifications and standards:

  • Quality assurance system certified to ISO 9001 in compliance with IATF 16949.
  • Compliance with the zero-defect principle
  • Clear environmental standards (e.g. ISO 14001)
  • Traceability along the entire supply chain
  • Compliance with our general terms and conditions
  • Commitment to the BENTELER Code of Conduct
  • Compliance with BENTELER Information security requirements and standards (e.g.,TISAX, ISO 27001 or SOC2)
  • Report security incidents that may impact BENTELER data or assets LINK
  • Extensive experience in the automotive and/or steel industry
  • Cost and/or technology leader in the respective industries
  • Provision of a DUNS number: in some areas, the prerequisite for cooperation is a so-called D-U-N-S number (Data Universal Numbering System).

Download: Recommendation sheet BENTELER Automotive (150 kb)

Please forward the complete Recommendation sheet to apply.batsupplier@benteler.com.

BENTELER Steel/Tube GMBH & Co. KG supplies a wide variety of industrial sectors (e.g. mechanical engineering, oil and gas industry, automotive, and many more). Depending on the industries in which your products or services are included in the supply chain to our customers, or whether they remain with BENTELER Steel/Tube, we have to work together to meet a wide variety of requirements. The scope of the requirements also depends on what you want to deliver to us.

Send an email to bst-supplier.management@benteler.com. You will then receive details from your responsible purchasing department.

Términos y condiciones

Collaboration for suppliers

[Translate to Spanish:]
Supplier Portal - SupplyOn

Primary interface for collaboration with suppliers

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eProcurement Coupa

Web-based eProcurement solution

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Electronical Data Interchange







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Información de privacidad
El responsable de protección de datos (BENTELER International Aktiengesellschaft, Austria) le gustaría utilizar los siguientes servicios para procesar sus datos personales. Para la personalización, se pueden utilizar tecnologías como cookies, almacenamiento local, etc. Esto no es necesario para el uso del sitio web, pero nos permite interactuar más estrechamente con usted. Por favor, seleccione las siguientes opciones, si corresponde: