Best process mechanic in Germany: IHK honors BENTELER trainee

Paderborn/Salzburg, Jan. 26, 2021. BENTELER employee Florian Just has been named Germany's best apprentice in his field. In a virtual event, Petra Pigerl-Radtke, Chief Executive Officer of the East Westphalia Chamber of Industry and Commerce, praised the achievements of the 22-year-old process mechanic in his final exam. The award confirms the high quality of training at BENTELER and is a reflection of BENTELER Steel/Tube's commitment to provide 50 apprenticeships at its German sites for 2021 and 2022.

Petra Pigerl-Radtke congratulated Florian Just in her laudation and at the same time emphasized the high-quality training at BENTELER. "Companies like BENTELER have long recognized and appreciated the value of training. That is why they pursue a sustainable human resources policy with training and continuing education. After all, today's trainees are tomorrow's specialists and managers," emphasized the IHK general manager. BENTELER offers apprenticeships for vocations such as mechatronics engineer, process technologist, industrial engineer, toolmaker, cutting machine operator and materials tester.

Alignment with digital transformation

All apprenticeships are adapted to the requirements of digital transformation – across disciplines and with a strong content focus on Industry 4.0 topics. For example, mechatronics engineers and process engineers are trained in a much more interdisciplinary manner and with additional digitalization focuses. In addition, BENTELER not only trains in the fields of electrical and metal technology, but also gives trainees insights into IT and commercial topics. As part of the training, BENTELER offers its trainees and students work experience placements at one of its 80 locations in over 25 countries worldwide. Florian also took advantage of this opportunity. "The highlight of my apprenticeship was definitely my stay abroad. For three months, I was able to support my colleagues at the plant in Shreveport," he says of his time in the United States. "Basically, what I liked about the training was that I had many opportunities for personal development. During project phases, you can make your own suggestions and then implement these projects. The trainers were always really supportive."

Clear commitment to the region

"Against the backdrop of structural change in the automotive industry and the current coronavirus crisis, the commitment to 50 apprenticeships in 2021 and 2022 is a clear commitment to the East Westphalia region," summarizes Christian Wiethüchter, CSO I COO of BENTELER Steel/Tube and a member of the Management Board at BENTELER Steel Tube. "We will continue to work to provide high-quality training for as many young people as possible."

For the start of training in mid-2021, BENTELER will train the new apprentices at, amongst others, its own Education and Training Center in Paderborn. The more than 4,000-square-meter facility is equipped, for example, with a digital training workshop and six state-of-the-art production robots. In the coming year, BENTELER will continue to make its training premises available for retraining in cooperation with the employment agency and job center, as well as for qualifying trainees from other medium-sized companies in the region. "30 to 40 trainees from other companies benefit from the fact that we offer our facilities," explains Christian Wiethüchter. "With this step, we are promoting technical apprenticeships in East Westphalia, enabling cross-company exchange and making optimum use of our capacities."

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