Experiencing Industry 4.0 at BENTELER

Paderborn/Salzburg, November 11, 2017. On Saturday, November 11, 2017, approximately 2,500 visitors came to the BENTELER training center AWZ to experience our open house presentation. This year was the 24th time BENTELER has organized this annual information event. A special highlight this year: Experiencing Industry 4.0.

Our visitors had the opportunity to watch a production process controlled by a tablet in the Industry 4.0 training factory developed by our apprentices themselves. This set-up allowed anyone who felt like it to build their own customized boat, car or truck. Afterwards, visitors could use a 3D printer to make a BENTELER logo perfectly adapted to their own self-made vehicle. The visitors were also given "smart glasses" to experience how images and information can be transmitted across large distances and displayed on the lens of the glasses. From the very beginning of our apprenticeship programs, BENTELER thinks about which topics might be relevant for the future. To achieve long-term success, our company needs capable employees, who know how to think like entrepreneurs, act independently and respond to changes with flexibility. "Due to these requirements, our interdisciplinary apprenticeship programs, in which our apprentices get the opportunity to broaden their horizons beyond their own field, will continue to become ever more important," says Thomas Koch, Head of Training at BENTELER.



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