BENTELER Steel/Tube Shreveport Superheroes putting a smile on children’s faces

BENTELER is actively involved in its production locations; thereby implementing our inherent social commitment - for a good neighborhood and a common future. Since 2014 the BENTELER Steel/Tube US-location in Shreveport, Louisiana supports the local Shriners Hospital for Children. This year the focus is placed on the initiative “Superheroes”: BENTELER-employees volunteer their free time to visit ill children, play with them and thus put a smile on the kids’ faces.

The care givers of the Shriners Hospital support this initiative and assist in organizing the visits of the superheroes. Everybody involved is aware of the special effect on the children. Tommie Hazen, Certified Childlife Specialist at Shriners Hospital, says: ”The kids talk about their favorite superhero long after they have left and treasure the photos they were able to take with them. For the children it’s a fantastic distraction from their current arrangements in the hospital - and it can be the memory of a lifetime.” A majority of the children at the Shriners Hospital in Shreveport is from Central America. They only speak Spanish. Our Spanish-speaking superhero Myrna Pacheco Ponce de Leon, EHS Management Systems Coordinator plant Shreveport, brings forth an extra spark in the kid’s eyes: “These very young kids are far away from their homes and families in a foreign country. Hearing one of their superheroes speak their native language makes it extra special.”

About BENTELER Steel/Tube

BENTELER Steel/Tube develops and produces seamless and welded quality steel tubes. As one of the leading manufacturers, we offer our customers problem-solving expertise worldwide, ranging from material development to tube application. We develop customized tube solutions for the Automotive, Energy and Industry market segments. Our first hot rolling tube mill in the US strengthens our presence in one of the most important growth markets for global oil- and gas-exploration.

About Shriners Hospital in Shreveport

The Shriners Hospital for Children has about 45 beds and provides medical care free-of-charge or at a low cost to children. It is run by Shriners International, a charitable organization. Since 2014 BENTELER cooperates with the hospital and organized already three Wishing Tree initiatives.

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