BENTELER Steel/Tube celebrates 20 years of business presence in the USA

Houston/Salzburg/Paderborn – October 16, 2017: On Thursday, October 12, 2017, the BENTELER Steel/Tube location in Houston, USA, celebrated its 20th anniversary by welcoming its customers to a large evening event. More than 160 customers from various industries attended.

Dr. Andreas Hauger, CEO BENTELER Steel/Tube, Paderborn, Germany, explains: "As a competent partner in strategic development and a reliable supplier, we value proximity to our customers very highly. It allows us to keep in close contact and permits an individual exchange of ideas. We have strengthened our presence in the USA even more by opening a new hot rolling mill in Shreveport, Louisiana. For our customers this plant represents: an improvement in service, a reduction of delivery times, high quality and a wide range of products out of one of the most modern hot rolling mills of the United States."

Dean Rougas, Executive Vice President BENTELER Steel & Tube Corp., Houston, USA, adds: "We have organized this event to extend our appreciation to our customers for their long standing collaboration and loyalty."

The BENTELER management in Houston is confident about the company's future. As Dean Rougas confirms: "Be it new materials, technologies or products - we remain committed to continued progress. Our customers benefit from this and we are looking forward to continue supporting them."

About BENTELER Steel/Tube's location in Houston, USA

The sales office in Houston was established in October 1997, employing only three people at the time. In the past 20 years BENTELER Steel/Tube has strengthened its North American business presence continuously. At this time, we have additional locations in Mississauga (Canada), Auburn Hills (USA) and Cuautlancingo (Mexico). In future, up to 30 employees provide consulting services to customers in the energy, automotive and mechanical industry of the North American market. Our main products are steel tubes for oil and gas production, line pipes, boiler construction and mechanical and automotive applications.
The Houston location is the regional headquarters for the North American market of the Division Steel/Tube, one of three legally independent business divisions of the BENTELER-Group.

Dean Rougas, Executive Vice President BENTELER Steel & Tube Corp. Houston, and the Management Board of BENTELER Steel/Tube in Germany with Dr. Andreas Hauger, CEO, and André Sombecki, CFO (from left), during the anniversary event.

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