Paderborn/Stuttgart, July 18, 2017. BENTELER Automotive becomes a partner in Plug & Play’s innovation platform STARTUP AUTOBAHN. This way BENTELER does not solely facilitate and strengthen its own innovation culture, it is the BENTELER customers who benefit as well.

Within the platform STARTUP AUTOBAHN startups develop ideas for future mobility and digitalization. Furthermore, the innovation and collaboration initiative provides startups, established companies and investors with a platform where they can find each other easily. “Electrification and digitalization are significantly changing the automotive industry. Through collaboration with international startups, BENTELER will benefit from external ideas and impulses thus accelerating our progress in these future fields,” explains Oliver Lang, CTO BENTELER Automotive.

The core founding members of the STARTUP AUTOBAHN program, alongside US partner Plug & Play Tech Center, are DAIMLER AG, the University of Stuttgart as well as the research factory Arena2036, one of the leading research platforms for mobility in Germany.

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