BENTELER apprentices show their commitment to a cleaner environment

Paderborn/Salzburg, 06.10.2017. On the annual Apprentices' Day of the Environment, 85 BENTELER apprentices cleaned the river Lippe in Paderborn, setting an example in environment protection.

On September 21st, 2017, the long-awaited plan was finally put into action: 85 apprentices met in the Paderborn district of Schloß Neuhaus to clean the river Lippe. In addition to heaps of garbage, they also found tires, barrels and even doors. The campaign was part of a Day of the Environment celebrated annually by first-year BENTELER apprentices and dual students enrolled in combined work and study programs. Social responsibility and environment protection are of great importance to BENTELER. This is why our company strives to promote these values early on in our apprentices' careers. Thomas Koch, Head of Training at BENTELER, explains: "To achieve long-term success we need capable, competent employees who know how to think like entrepreneurs, act independently and respond to changes with flexibility. These skills also require a willingness to broaden your horizons and dedicate yourself to a cause."

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