Our plant in Mór

On our tour to our worldwide locations, we stop in Hungary. More precisely in Mór.

Because this is where our automotive plant BENTELER Autótechnika Kft has been located since 2000. On an area of 20.000 m2, our colleagues here perform successful work in the production of different fuel, oil, water and air lines for ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) applications.

The only plant located in Hungary repeatedly convinces with best performances and was able to acquire important new projects within the framework of the P7 program a few years ago. At the beginning of this year, the plant in Mór was one of 31 sites to be certified according to TISAX. The generally applicable information security standard is predefined by the VDA and is subject to strict criteria.

Our production portfolio currently includes 22 projects, 112 part numbers. At full production capacity, we manufacture up to 400.000 parts per month, which are delivered to 24 locations in 11 countries.

About Mór

The small Hungarian town of Mór, with a population of just under 13,500, is located in the Central Transdanubian region. Hungary's capital Budapest is about 65 km away. Lake Balaton a popular vacation destination for young and old, is also in the immediate vicinity. Mór is also known as a wine-growing region for the white wine specialty Móri Ezerjó. The current Nobel Prize winner for physics, Ferenc Krausz was born in Mór.



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