2018 financial year – record revenues and strategic adjustment

Salzburg, March 15, 2019. 2018 was a year full of challenges – which BENTELER robustly mastered. Despite the turbulence in the global economy and within the sector, revenue topped €8 billion for the first time and growth outpaced the market The excellent order-book situation – and the strong growth associated with this – gave rise to costs above plan. Added to this were external factors such as the trade conflict between the US and China which started with punitive tariffs, and the introduction of the testing procedure for exhaust emissions, WLTP. In combination this led to an EBIT of €119.3 million. The result of operating activities was thus €66 million below that of 2017 (adjusted for a special effect from a land sale).

At the same time BENTELER made use of the year to adjust its strategic orientation. “We are placing our focus on balanced growth and increased profitability. In future we will be concentrating even more closely on our core business. As a process specialist we offer our customers excellent products, processes and services,” explains Ralf Göttel, CEO of BENTELER International AG. “In addition, we will invest in a targeted way in selected areas that fit with our core competence – for example in the field of electromobility.”


Please find here further information about the annual report 2018.



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