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29.05.2024 | Automotive

BENTELER inaugurates new plant in Bratislava

Harald Weber, Spokesperson

Bratislava/Salzburg, May 29, 2024. The BENTELER Group has officially opened its new plant in Bratislava, Slovakia. A total of around 50 guests attended the opening ceremony, including employees, the management team as well as representatives of its customer and suppliers. The site will produce rear axles for Volkswagen.

 “We are excited to open this new plant in Bratislava. Inaugurating a new location is always something special. And doing so in Europe for the first time in several years makes it even more significant,” said Rainer Lübbers, CEO of BENTELER Automotive Modules. “The plant will play an important role in our global strategy: Here in Bratislava, we have the ideal conditions to support our customer VW in the highly dynamic European market. With our direct proximity to customers and a just-in-time supply chain, we are ready to offer agile and high-quality solutions.”

Supply chain optimization by customer proximity and flexibility

BENTELER is committed to smart production, digitalization, and efficient logistics. The new plant is located just 1.5 km from the customer's site. This brings corresponding advantages: in addition to more efficient production and assembly, logistic costs are minimized and a rapid response to product and order adjustments is ensured.

On a production area of 5,300 sqm, BENTELER will produce automotive parts in highly flexible and scalable facilities to meet the growing demands of its customers for model diversity and just-in-sequence production.

Investing in innovation and people

To remain successful in the long term, BENTELER promotes the training and further education of its own workforce. For example, the company has developed specialized employee training programs to further improve their skills and make the best use of the first-class technologies on site.

The new location, BENTELER’s second automotive plant in Slovakia, will create more than 70 additional jobs there. The company has operated a facility in Malacky with around 380 employees since 2009.




Harald Weber






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