Wherever you manufacture, as our customer you can count on continuity.
We know how to form and join
metal like nobody else
To offer the right solution for every need, we have over 30 different joining technologies in series production worldwide. These include conventional processes such as arc welding, which we use worldwide with over 5300 power sources. Plus, we use innovative technologies such as mechanical joining or adhesive bonding. In this way, we can optimally meet your requirements - whether in the area of electromobility or weight reduction.
Wherever you manufacture, as our customer you can count on continuity: We achieve this with standardization that applies to all production sites. This is constantly being further developed - all regions and plants work together with the central functions to achieve this.
Our experts intensively exchange information on every technology worldwide. This is our basis for being able to offer the same quality standards and processes at a competitive level everywhere. The focus is not only on the actual joining process, but also on other indispensable elements such as automation, clamping, testing and measuring technology.
Can you make cars
lighter and more robust
at the same time?
Aluminium offers builders significant weight advantages over steel. For example, for e-mobility or lightweight construction. Depending on the load and location in the vehicle, ultra-high-strength steels are still needed.
Our welding technology delivers the best solution for both worlds. Especially suitable for safety-relevant structural elements, it allows steel and aluminum to be flexibly and cost effectively joined, thereby optimizing weight without degrading performance.
On the cutting edge
of quality control in
series production
On the cutting edge
of quality control in
series production
…with the Smart Production Data Platform.
Wire feed motor current, system error, process sequence: Just a few of the parameters we monitor as part of our comprehensive quality-control processes. In the course of a day, however, ‘a few’ parameters become millions of data points.
To help record and analyze them, we’ve developed our own Smart Production Data Platform that helps us visualize the data and carry out event-based maintenance or interventions. The availability (OEE) of the welding systems has been increased considerably, while at the same time reducing the costs for maintenance and servicing.