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BENTELER Shreveport


The commercial success of the BENTELER Group is directly linked with corporate responsibility – for employees, environment and society.

Strategy & Organization

We leave nothing to chance

We see global developments such as climate change and urbanization as challenges that we address through value-based governance, technical innovation, and social engagement.

The foundation of our sustainability strategy

By carrying out the materiality analysis, we can assess which topics are relevant for our sustainability reporting.

The procedural model of our materiality analysis takes into account the future requirements of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and already uses the principle of dual materiality. For our Sustainability Statement 2024, which is based on the CSRD for the first time, we have built on the initial materiality analysis carried out in 2023, in which we analyzed the influence BENTELER has on its environment and the resulting opportunities and risks.



  • Climate change mitigation
  • Climate change adaptation
  • Energy
  • Water withdrawal
  • Water use
  • Resource inflows, including resource use
  • Resource outflows in connection with products
  • Waste
  • Corporate culture
  • Management of relationships with suppliers, including payment practices
  • Corruption and bribery
  • Working conditions
  • Equal treatment and opportunities for all
  • Other work-related rights

Our Sustainability Strategy at a glance

Our Sustainability Strategy at a glance

We have defined focus areas for our sustainability strategy based on our materiality assessment and the key sustainability issues that resulted from it. In the next step, specific matters were assigned to these areas, which we aim to achieve in the future.

These targets not only take into account the results of our impact, opportunity and risk analysis, but are also in line with the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). 

This resulted in the formulation of the BENTELER Groupʼs comprehensive sustainability strategy, which, together with action plans, concrete measures and interim targets, forms the foundation for achieving our sustainability goals.

Our focus is on five areas: Climate change, circular economy, water, employees and working conditions as well as our business conduct. These priorities cover the areas of environment, social affairs and sustainable governance and extend across all business units and the entire BENTELER value chain.

BENTELER company presentation
„Sustainability is the key to a successful long-term business model."
Stefan Henkelmann Director Divisional Strategy & Group Sustainability Office

Science-based climate goals

Science-based climate goals

The BENTELER Group has set climate targets to act in line with the Paris Climate Agreement. After the methodology and emission figures had been assessed and confirmed in advance by external auditors, they were also validated by the Science Based Target Initiative (SBTi). Our aim is not only to reduce our emissions, but also to ensure that our contribution to climate protection is effective and substantial, which is why we also rely on scientific validation.

The prestigious Science Based Target Initiative is a partnership between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).


Our Sustainability Office
manages implementation

Our Sustainability Office
manages implementation

The BENTELER Group established a Sustainability Office with several sustainability experts in 2022. They support the measures required for the implementation of the sustainability goals, are in regular contact with the departments and ensure that all those responsible receive the support required for the implementation of the measures. The Sustainability Office reports directly to the Executive Board.

Sustainability Office Schloss Neuhaus

We maintain an ongoing dialog

We maintain an ongoing dialog

To understand the needs of our stakeholders and continuously improve our performance, we maintain an ongoing dialog. Our goal is to shape the future of the BENTELER Group together with all stakeholders. The group-wide communication strategy is updated annually. It defines target groups, topics and dialog formats. 

We attach great importance to dialog in our communication activities. We are convinced that only by exchanging ideas with our stakeholders can we learn from each other, strengthen the general bond and thus make a sustainable contribution to the company's success.

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