Business Conduct
We have a responsibility towards our stakeholders and the environment.
We focus on acting entrepreneurially
in all of our activities
This includes policies anchored in our corporate culture, how we protect whistleblowers, dealing with our suppliers and the use of responsible tax principles.
Fostering Integrity
We lay the foundation for responsible corporate behavior through our policies and principles of conduct. Our corporate culture also strengthens our employeesʼ awareness of sustainability and positions us as an attractive employer. The principle of zero tolerance towards corruption and bribery is therefore firmly anchored in our culture. We promote this through a corresponding compliance organization as well as e-learning and training courses.
In 2022, the BENTELER Group introduced the B-AWARE electronic whistleblowing system worldwide. BENTELER employees, employees of business partners and external third parties can use the platform to report suspected violations of laws, regulations or guidelines. Anonymous reporting is not permitted in every country and therefore depends on the applicable local legal situation. All information is treated confidentially and reviewed by the relevant specialist department.
The Supply Chain Due Diligence Committee is responsible for suspected cases of human rights-related violations. We use the results of any investigations for risk management and preventive measures. Data on reported cases automatically flows into the annual risk analysis. The effectiveness of the grievance procedure is reviewed annually and, where necessary, on an ad hoc basis.
We bear a great responsibility in our global supply chains. We are aware of this and act accordingly – we also expect this commitment from our business partners. Our goal is to develop a common understanding of human rights, environmental protection and the fight against child labor.
In dynamic and volatile times, long-term partnerships and good, trusted relationships with suppliers are particularly relevant. We have therefore defined clear contractual regulations for cooperation and thereby avoid interruptions in the supply chain, for example.
The BENTELER Supplier
Code of Conduct
The BENTELER Supplier
Code of Conduct
The BENTELER Supplier Code of Conduct specifies our standards of social, ethical and ecological responsibility. Our business partners must acknowledge these requirements and also commit to address them within their own business relationships.
The core requirements on the topics of work (including the ban on child labor, respect for human rights and the ban on discrimination), health and safety, the environment, market behavior and ethics and responsibility within the supply chain are formulated in six chapters.

Strengthening Partnerships
Aligning Supply Chain Goals and Promoting Local Supplier Networks.
The BENTELER Supplier Code of Conduct is mandatory for all business partners. Since 2023, this also applies to the procurement of indirect materials/services, machines and spare parts. The Supplier Code of Conduct is reviewed annually to determine whether it needs to be updated.
For the targeted monitoring of corporate due diligence obligations (on sustainability) in the supply chain, new and active business partners have been monitored using two different approaches since the beginning of 2023 if various factors are present. This allows negative impacts to be recognized and measures to be derived on an ad hoc or long-term basis. Firstly, there is real-time monitoring that provides round-the-clock warnings for all focused business partner branches. Secondly, a risk assessment is carried out using international sustainability criteria via an annual score (country-based).
To supply our customers as reliably as possible in times of uncertain supply chains, BENTELER continues to rely on long-term supplier relationships. In line with the strategic principle “Local for Local,” we source raw materials, goods and services predominantly from regions where the production takes place. To ensure this, we use a range of targeted measures to select new business partners and manage the risks of our supplier network.
In 2024, the approach of building local supplier relationships close to customers was further pursued. BENTELER locations close to customers shorten transport routes, which has also proved advantageous in the past.