Resumption of production in preparation

Salzburg, April 23, 2020. "The coronavirus also affects the BENTELER Group. Our primary goal is to protect the health of our employees. To this end, we implemented a comprehensive and globally coordinated package of measures at an early stage. At the same time, as an employer, we have a responsibility to secure jobs. As a reliable partner, it is our goal to continue to ensure production for our customers wherever possible without endangering the health of our employees.

Some car manufacturers, especially in Europe, are currently slowly and gradually resuming production. We are also currently preparing to ramp up production again. Exactly how long this will take depends on the actual call-offs by our customers, local conditions and legal regulations.

To this end, we are in regular dialogue with our customers, suppliers, employee representatives, our employees and the local authorities. It is important to us to find good solutions to ensure production for our customers - without endangering the health of our employees. Their health is our top priority.

As a matter of principle, we are doing everything in our power to minimize the negative effects of the corona pandemic on our employees, their families and the company. We all bear responsibility - for ourselves and our fellow citizens."

Ralf Göttel, CEO BENTELER Group


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