"We care & share": BENTELER is providing communication material about coronavirus hygiene rules free of charge

Salzburg / Paderborn, September 15, 2020. The Covid-19 pandemic still has a tight grip on the world. Johns Hopkins University is currently reporting over 25 million coronavirus cases worldwide. Due to the current situation, BENTELER has rolled out a communication campaign to make employees aware of hygiene rules: worldwide, at 75 locations, in 24 countries and in 13 languages.

Normality is only possible with appropriate hygiene rules

Everywhere, people long for a return to normalcy. But they often forget the necessary corona hygiene rules when dealing with each other. BENTELER is therefore providing a reminder of what everyone can do to protect themselves and others.

Birgit Held, Vice President Corporate Communications / Marketing at BENTELER, explains: “The aim of our campaign is to remind employees, suppliers and visitors to our locations around the world about the hygiene measures and to protect their health using emotional statements and pictures. In doing so, we secure our production and customer service in the best possible way."

“We care & share”: social responsibility is a top priority at BENTELER

To curb the spread of the virus, the global family concern has launched the “We care & share” initiative. BENTELER is making the designs of its own coronavirus campaign available to other companies to download free of charge. The company is fulfilling its social responsibility based on the motto, “caring is sharing”.

Birgit Held adds: "Together we are stronger. Our aim is to use this communication campaign to help contain the coronavirus. And to encourage and support other companies in increasing the awareness of hygiene rules among their employees. In this way, we can fight the virus together. We care and share."

How it works:

All designs are available for free download via the page "Together against Covid-19"

BENTELER has already removed its own company logo so that every company can use its own logo. The background color can also be easily and quickly adapted to their own needs. The texts and designs BENTELER provides are license-free. Additional information about usage rights for the image material and further information on the “We care and share” initiative is available on the BENTELER website.

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