BENTELER announces collaboration with Sony at CES 2020 in Las Vegas

Salzburg/Las Vegas, January 7, 2020. At the Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas, BENTELER today announced its collaboration with Sony.

Sony is a creative entertainment company with solid foundation of technology. Sony is planning to develop mobility solutions in order to open up new business opportunities. At the show, Sony unveiled a prototype vehicle incorporating various technologies that contribute to safety, reliability, comfort and entertainment in the mobility space. BENTELER´s role is to provide key components for this vehicle.

In addition, BENTELER is also exhibiting the Electric Drive System at the booth of Bosch. BENTELER and Bosch are development partners in the field of e-mobility. In the past months, BENTELER and Bosch have jointly further developed their rolling chassis solution. Both companies use the CES as opportunity to offer e-mobility solutions to new market players, thus lowering the barriers for market entry. Potential new customers benefit from cost efficient solutions.

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